Entrepreneurs With Disabilities Program

Community Futures British Columbia


Community Futures' Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program (EDP) is a proven and effective project that supports the Canada Economic Action Plan for creating jobs and greater prosperity within a marginalized demographic in BC's non-metropolitan areas.

EDP recognizes that business owners who are managing ongoing health or disability issues face unique challenges in creating successful businesses and the program responds by supporting these determined entrepreneurs. EDP enhances business productivity and competitiveness and improves small business' access to information, training, advisory services and capital helping persons with disabilities to fully participate in society.

The project provides direct support to business owners with disabilities through a coordinated regional strategy that engages Community Futures-approved independent business consultants and disability experts to find solutions for the challenges encountered, be they business, disability or health-related.

Combined with the developmental lending environment of local Community Futures, the EDP loans program now celebrating 20 years provides capital to a group often considered high risk by other business lenders. The EDP works through unique partnerships with BC Community Futures offices, Western Economic Diversification, The Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation, and local business communities.

The EDP creates opportunities for economic success for BC business owners overcoming unique challenges.