2023 BC Economic Development Award Winner
Historically considered by most as a "drive through community" for food and gas the goal of the campaign was to direct provincial, regional and international travelers to make the turn off the highway into town to explore and make Princeton a must-see destination. Following the flooding event of November 2021, the need to let the world know that Princeton was once again reopen for business became even more paramount.
Since the launch of the campaign over 30 million impressions of the #Rediscover Princeton ad have been delivered across print, digital, billboard and various other mediums. This has resulted in a 16% increase in travelers to our Visitor Centre with each month of 2022 being a new record for that month. These numbers have translated over to many local businesses that are also reported record sales.
Coming out of the flood the impact the campaign was very positive and generated attention for the Town of Princeton in a positive way.
The goal of the project was to draw attention to the town of Princeton and increase traffic throughout the year. In doing so provide a boost to local businesses and stimulate economic growth.
Project can be replicated and transferred the design of the campaign makes this possible. Including an element for children and families has been crucial to the success of the campaign.