2023 BC Economic Development Award Winner
This program helps take care of popular tourism and recreation nature-based locations around Fernie & the Elk Valley that are not managed/maintained, in order to ensure their long-term sustainability and enjoyment by both locals and visitors. Many sites have seen big growth in traffic/usage causing concern from residents and businesses who cherish and utilize these locations for personal and business purposes.
Existing government programs do not have the resources and capacity to do what's needed so this program and partnership was created. The program includes a hired team May-September to visit locations such as Silver Springs, Heiko's Trail, Elk River access sites and more to:
- clean up garbage, remove illegal fire pits, clean toilets, light duty maintenance
- help and educate users on etiquette and safety
- monitor, collect data, and document usage and needs for effective decision-making
- work with partners on amenity projects, such as installation of a composting toilet at Silver Springs
- support wildlife camera program with Bear Biologist Clayton Lamb for educational purposes and to mitigate future human-wildlife encounters
Created and led by Tourism Fernie as part of its strategic evolution into destination management, partners in this project include Regional District of East Kootenay, TECK, Columbia Basin Trust, Elk River Alliance, College of the Rockies, Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC, Rec Sites & Trails BC, Coal creek Heritage Society and Fernie Trails Alliance.
The program was launched in late spring 2022 as an innovative partnership program that addresses both local and business concerns and needs, as identified from surveys conducted in 2021 and during the development of Fernie's Tourism Master Plan. Partners committed to an initial three years of funding to pilot the program and after its first season has been a source of pride by all the partners involved and the visitors and residents encountered throughout the program. The Ambassadors spent over 120 days visiting the various locations for their work, and also partnered with groups such as AdventureSMART, WildsafeBC and Search & Rescue to help extend the reach of key messaging. New signage and a composting toilet were installed at Silver Springs, and additional amenity projects over the next couple of years include new boat launches, parking enhancements, backcountry campign enhancement and further signage and interpretive content including partnership with the Ktunaxa Nation.
This program supports economic development by ensuring these popular nature-based assets continue to be available and maintained for the future as spectacular recreational experiences for visitors and locals. This program also supports quality of life, well-being, fostering pride and social licence.
This program can easily be replicated and adapted for use in other communities, this was one of its initial selling points in the early days of seeking partnerships and funding. Lessons learned are:
- unique/new partnerships can solve challenges and are necessary in today's more complex world and trends.
- If there is a champion to a cause to create and led it, support will come from many areas
- take time to recognize all the partners, and celebrate the work accomplished
- focus on being helpful, positive, friendly, action-oriented versus negative or enforcement oriented when it comes to engaging locals and visitors at these locations.