2022 BC Economic Development Award Winner
The Experience Ashcroft Pocket Guide was the vision of the Economic Development & Tourism Working Group. Concern over local business sustainability and the impacts of COVID-19 and imposed travel restrictions, the working group wanted to develop marketing material that could be circulated throughout our health region to attract area residents to boost the local economy. Free content advertising was offered to the business community inviting them to promote their business. Community participation was invited by way of a photo contest, many images were submitted including the stunning image of the prickly pear cactus featured on the front cover. A centre fold map notes business locations, parks, attractions including a mosaic art walk throughout the downtown core.
Five thousand copies were distributed to regional visitor information centres, many key areas in neighbouring communities including hotels/motels, gas stations, restaurants and each business in Ashcroft. A digital copy of the guide with active links was added the village website giving businesses that added advertising bonus platform.
The 'Experience Ashcroft Pocket Guide' has been a great success. Many of the participating businesses have confirmed that many of the patrons visiting their establishments were familiar with the guide and were visiting Ashcroft because of the featured attractions. Record revenues at the municipal RV Park and Pool, additionally, Ashcroft's business community agrees that the pocket guide contributed to increased revenue and tourism in the Village. Not only has the guide supported businesses and fulfilled its intended function, it has also been distributed to stakeholders and is being used today as a tool to attract employee relocation to the Village.
Demand for the guide exceeded our expectations. The initial 5,000 copies distributed in 2021 were in such demand that many businesses and visitor centres requested additional copies, as such, an additional 6,000 copies have been reprinted for the 2022 season. Prior to printing the second addition, we were able to update the guide with new businesses established in Ashcroft in 2021.
This project can definitely be adapted for use in other communities.
What lessons have been learned?
- No matter how free you make an ad, not everyone will participate
- Simple is best
- Never cease to take advantage of opportunities that will help your community.